
Advanced Uninstaller PRO 9.5.3

This easy-to-use Windows application Uninstaller makes your computer run more efficiently by removing software and files that were left behind after you uninstalled software that you no longer use. In addition, the program performs a number of cleanup activities, making your computer more secure.

Very few software programs uninstall completely from your computer. Among the things left behind are unnecessary folders, obsolete files, and graphics that will never be used. In addition, there are often items placed in the Windows Registry that are not welcome, as well as spyware and other programs that threaten the security of your computer. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can uninstall all of these files, folders, and programs. Uninstalling a program is as easy as selecting its name from a list, or dragging and dropping a file or a shortcut on the Advanced Uninstaller PRO desktop icon.



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